Kinetic Enterprise Request Management
Kinetic Request is the most powerful and flexible enterprise-wide request management portal application available.
Learn MoreIT Operations Support
"At AttivaSoft, providing IT support to a client is not just about fixing problems; It’s all about the customer experience."
Learn MoreBMC MyIT
Our personal experience with consumer technology at home has changed our expectations of enterprise information technology (IT) at work...
Learn MoreSRM and Service Catalog
Implementing a successful Service Request Management solution means offering a centralized, standard and repeatable request platform...
Learn MoreBMC MyIT – Next-Generation Self-Service
“Our personal experience with consumer technology at home has changed our expectations of enterprise information technology (IT) at work, driving employees to demand modern tools to do their jobs. We want the ease of Facebook®, speed of Twitter,® and service of But what can IT do to meet these lofty goals? BMC MyIT gives […]
mApp Solutions Move Service Management ‘Beyond IT’
Josh Caid, Director of Product Management at Cherwell Software writes: A few days ago, Jarod Greene posted the first of two blogs about how exciting Cherwell Software’s mApp™ solutions are and how others in the industry think so as well. Jarod might have refrained from having to pull a Kanye at Pink15, but allow me, for a minute, to play […]
BMC Remedy with Smart IT, a Smarter Service Desk for Your Digital Enterprise
Robin Purohit, President of ITSM at BMC writes: One of the themes at this week’s Gartner Symposium is digital business and the big change that it is driving. As I travel and talk with customers, I see evidence firsthand of how the digital age is impacting every industry, transforming every corporation, and is arguably the […]