Work smarter with context-aware IT services - MyIT is a new self-service app that uses location, role, and preferences to guide employees to the answers and tools they need here and now.
- Modernize your business with formless requests, context-aware services and crowd-sourced collaboration.
- Improve employee productivity by reducing time wasted on technology-related issues.
- Cut support costs by deflecting level-one calls to the service desk.
- Let an amazing user experience boost customer satisfaction.
- Deflect routine help desk calls to decrease the cost of high-priority tickets by 33%.
- Cut IT-related downtime by 25% by connecting business users to IT services anywhere, anytime, on any device.
- Find more time and resources for critical IT transformation projects.
- Use across iOS, Android, or any device with an HTML5 browser.
- Combine MyIT and Remedy with Smart IT to set a new service desk standard for the modern workplace.
BMC MyIT AppZone
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